Written synopsis of proposed research concept (due November 15 2024):
Pitch your postdoctoral research idea in a brief (written) synopsis of the proposed work that includes:
- a description of the novel research questions you are interested in addressing and/or innovative techniques/capabilities you would bring to an existing research question relevant to work being done at APL (1,200 words limit – approximately 2 pages).
- a statement describing how your academic background and analytic or technical skill set positions you to make progress on the proposed research question (600 word limit – approximately one page).
- a curriculum vitae, including a publication list and any additional scholarly output such as technical reports, software, presentations, etc.
In this initial stage (Stage 1), there is no need to connect with and identify potential mentors/collaborators at UW-APL, or to detail the specific resources your work will require. This is not intended to be a full proposal, but rather an opportunity to describe a novel research concept you wish to explore. Broadly describe your own research idea and how it has the potential to engage APL-UW research groups.
The Stage 1 applications will be evaluated on the following four criteria:
- novelty of proposed research
- whether the applicant’s skillset positions them to perform the proposed research and expand APL research capabilities
- alignment of the proposed research with the broad APL research themes and potential to instigate new collaborations within APL and the broader UW research community and;
- applicant’s demonstrated ability to conduct independent research and communicate the results.
Inquiries about the application materials can be directed to the SEED committee (SEED@apl.washington.edu).
Successful applicants will have the opportunity to develop APL/UW collaborations and engage with potential mentors during Stage 2 of the application process.
Aug 19th, 2024 – Accepting applications
November 15th, 2024 – Application period closes